St. Joseph, MI Lighthouse   Late December, '01

I won first place for this photo in a local parks photo contest.
June, '00

City of St. Joseph, Michigan web page
Shrimp boats at duck along a river in southern South Carolina
Reflections inside an old barn - Spring '00
George Bush arrives in South Bend Sept. 5, '02

I photographed this spider web off the deck of my home at 7:45 a.m. Sept. 7, 02 using my digital D100 and a 80-400 f4.5-5.6 lens @ 330mm.

St. Joseph, MI - Late August, '02
Saugatuck, MI - August, '01

Here we go. Elaine made me go to the parade, one day too late.
Smile Big Guy .... Who am I? Summer '00

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